These are the sources of hatred, prejudice and bias. I believe in free speech to absoluteness, but the liberal media needs to counter this - to maintain a balance in the society. The question is how many listen to Rush and for what? I tune in once a while to listen to stupidity... how many people hear to believe?
Mike Ghouse

General atmosphere during the FOX News 'Hannity with Sean Hannity' 15th anniversary show at Olympic Centennial Park on October 6, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Photo by Chris McKay/Getty Images
Republicans often talk about the media's "liberal bias" when many of their claims aren't validated. Ever since Sarah Palin was thrust into the spotlight in 2008, cries of "lame stream media" have been heard echoing through the ear drums of registered voters. Whether it's NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC or any other "main stream" news outlet, the right-wing are often quick to attack, claiming bias against conservatives and the Republican agenda.
While one major news channel, MSNBC, promotes a more progressive message during their prime time line-up, they promote themselves as liberal, tagging themselves with the slogan "lean forward." Other news channels, such as CNN, have actually taken steps to the right of the political spectrum in an attempt to capitalize on Fox News' ratings success.
Despite claims of media bias, the number one rated news channel is Fox News, the loudest voice for conservatism in the country. Even outside television, conservative media is often easily found. The overwhelming majority of talk radio is dominated by right-wing voices. Earlier this year, "Talkers" magazinereleased their annual "Heavy Hundred" list of the 100 most important radio show hosts in the country. Out of the top ten, only three would be described as "liberal" or "progressive," with the remaining being far right conservatives or libertarian. The rest of the list is similar to the top 10 as conservative talk shows heavily outnumber their liberal counter parts.
The internet is also a viable place to promote your political agenda. Conservative blogs and websites have popped up at a record number over the last few years and don't look to be slowing down any time soon.
While there are liberal talk shows and blogs, the conservative claim that the entire media has a bias favoring liberals is just false. The list below is simply a counter to that claim and, in no particular order, is a list of 50 of the worst places you could go to get your news and information.
1. Fox News3. Glenn Beck9. Sean Hannity10. Bill O'Reilly12. National Review15. Washington Times20. Townhall.com21. Red State26. Citizens United27. Freedom Works31. News Busters32. News Max34. Conservative HQ38. Judicial Watch39. The Source Daily42. Reason Magazine43. Freedom Rings Radio hosted by KennethJohn44. Conservapedia46. CNS News47. Michael Reagan